25 tips for training dogs to stop chewing on furniture and shoes


  How do I get my dog to stop chewing on furniture ?

Dogs may chew on furniture and shoes for a variety of reasons, including boredom, anxiety, or a natural urge to chew. Here are some tips to help you get your dog to stop chewing on furniture and shoes.

How do I get my dog to stop chewing on furniture ?

1- You must make sure that your dog does not suffer from any health problems, as some dogs chew behavior when they feel nervous.

There is a new emergency that makes them nervous, such as the entry and exit of strangers on a daily basis or changing the place. Or there is a shortage of food that you provide to your dog or the presence of worms.


2- Follow up with your vet if you notice any other symptoms with chewing such as weight loss, vomiting or diarrhea.


3- Try to instill in your dog two basic ideas that chewing your own things is a bad thing and will be punished, and chewing his toy is good behavior that deserves a reward.


4- When you find that your dog started chewing on furniture or your personal belongings, say no to him or a bad dog with a strong and firm voice and try to take it from him and give him one of his toys.


5- When he responds to you, give him a reward, and if he tries to escape with some of the things he was chewing, do not run after him, it will be considered as playing.

6- Never physically punish him, as this will increase his sense of tension, which will make the problem more complicated.


7- Do not punish him for the act of chewing while you are away, as he will not understand the reason for the punishment.


8- When you find your dog chewing his own toy, approach him and pat him and reward him, with training he will realize that good behavior is worth the reward.


9- You may need to sprinkle some bitter-tasting materials on things you don't want your dog to chew on

Of course, do not use toxic materials, this method may work with things that do not move such as furniture. This method may not work for you completely as some dogs may continue to chew despite the bitter taste.

10- This mixture may be successful, which is white vinegar with hot sauce, pepper and lemon juice with water and sprinkled on the desired place.


11-Encourage good chewing by providing the dog with toys. This is one of the important tips. The more toys that can be chewed, the less chance of chewing your personal belongings, such as:

  • Chewing strips
  • teething rings
  • ropes
  • toys that make sound
  • Raw bones, but no raw bones that could pose a choking hazard, such as chicken bones.
  • Kong toys that can be filled with food have a very good effect as the dog will be busy searching for food
  • Small puppies when they are teething, their teeth often hurt, try to give them something to reduce the pain.
  • A wet towel can be used while freezing it so that they can chew it.
  •  Frozen carrots and cucumbers are also an excellent solution.


12 - Try to spend more time with your dog, dogs not only want toys but need space to play and go out to unload their energy and spend more time with you.


13- Try to go out with it at least once a day for 20 minutes in a park, for example, and play with it with the ball, this will help reduce the bad chewing behavior of the dog.


14- Keep away from the dog everything that may reach his teeth and can chew, such as books, TV remote control, plants and others. Not having these things in front of the dog will reduce his bad chewing behavior.


15- Don't get your dog confused, when you give him your old shoes to chew on, he doesn't understand why he doesn't chew the new too.


16- Stay away from toys that look like your own property.


17- When you are outside the house, isolate the dog in a place designated for him, such as a dog house, and it has a good space to allow him to move freely, because he is chewing behavior in your absence.


18. Teach your dog the “leave it” command if you want to spend more time and effort training your dog. Hold two treats, each one in a different fist. Show one and say to your dog in a firm voice, “Leave it,” indicating what it is chewing.

Do not make the dog take the reward, but make him spin and lick your hand and do not respond to his moan. When he loses interest in this hand and its reward, give him the reward in the other hand with proper encouragement.

Continue this training until your dog responds when you tell him to “leave it” at any time This teaches your dog that ignoring all the inappropriate things he wants to chew or bite will make you reward him.


19- If you leave your dog alone for a long time, placing your dog's favorite toy or bone in your hands will transmit your scent to these things to help calm the dog, and many puppy owners have also found that leaving the radio on at a low volume,

or playing soft music in the background It will help calm an anxious puppy, preventing him from destructive behavior and chewing on things.


20. Get rid of anything that the dog can chew. You should get rid of all things that the dog can get into his mouth. Even things that seem out of reach can be reached by the active dog, and this includes shoes, children's toys,

and small pieces of clothing Like socks, underwear, plastic bags, trash cans, medicine containers, wallets, nutritional supplements, plants, just about anything.


21- Never allow a dog to enter the bathroom unsupervised, as there are many dangerous things it can chew or eat, such as toxic cleaning products or even toilet paper.


22- You should also take care of storing valuables such as jewelry in a safe place that the dog cannot reach, such as a closed cupboard, or a secure wardrobe.


23- When you find that the dog is chewing something inappropriate, interrupt it and then turn its attention to something suitable for it to chew, then praise your dog for chewing the appropriate thing.


24- The dog’s engagement in exercises appropriate for its age and breed every day helps prevent the dog from feeling bored, and prevents it from destructive behaviors such as chewing things.


25- This item is up to you, dear reader, if you have experience in this matter, to share it with us so that the benefit will prevail.


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