how to train a deaf dog?


Can you teach a deaf dog

Some dogs are more prone to deafness than others. A deaf dog may have lost his hearing, but he still has the other four senses intact. Below we'll explain more about how to train a deaf dog.
Can you teach a deaf dog
train a deaf dog

Causes of deafness in dogs

As with humans, some dogs are born and have deaf, and this is called congenital deafness. For other dogs, deafness can come from many sources, such as chronic ear infections or injuries related to toxic drugs or aging.

There are breeds of dogs that are more prone to congenital deafness than others. Dalmatian dogs, for example, have a high degree of risk.

Other breeds affected by this disease are the Australian Shepherd Dog, Catahoula Leopard Dog, Whippet Hound and Jack Russell Terrier Parson.

Scientists still do not know exactly why these dogs are likely to be born deaf, but it is clear that deafness mainly affects white-headed or mostly white-headed dogs.

According to an American study, the lack of pigment in the head means that pigmented cells in the ear have difficulty growing or may not be present.

The lack of pigmented cells causes the death of neurons, which are necessary for the proper development of hearing.

Old dogs usually suffer from hearing loss, and some become completely deaf, but you won't have to worry about it for several years.

Hearing loss can be accelerated by damage from loud noises. Dogs that hunt and get shot for years and years are more vulnerable to harm. Chronic ear infections may also lead to hearing loss.


How do I know that my dog is deaf?

The first way to know that your dog is deaf is to watch for signs of deafness in your dog. The most common sign is when they do not wake up when it is time to eat.

You may also notice that the dog does not come on contact or does not react to sounds.

One of the best tests is a ringing a bell or a cell phone, or the squeak of a toy behind your back. If your dog does not react in any way, it may be possible that he is hearing impaired.

Make sure that he cannot feel the sound vibrations during the test, as this may give incorrect results. You should also use a variety of tones because a dog can be deaf to some tones but not to others.

A few dogs are truly adept at covering their deafness. It is not uncommon for a person who has owned their dog for many years to be shocked when diagnosing a new deafness.

It may be that his dog has found ways to absorb the absence of hearing and respond to signals that are not based on sound without realizing it!

This shows how adaptive these dogs can be, and can give dog owners hope to train their own deaf dogs using methods other than verbal cues.

If you suspect your dog may be deaf, partially deaf, or have a hearing loss, it is best to have them checked out by your vet in case of a treatable false cause or medical condition associated with their deafness.




The vet will also be able to tell you exactly how hard or not your dog can hear, and if he has better hearing in one ear than the other.


Deaf dog training steps

Get the attention of a deaf dog

Before you can ask your dog to do anything, you must have the dog's attention first. Since you cannot communicate by calling him by his name as is prevalent with a dog who has a hearing.

Use a flashlight

Some deaf dog owners use a flashlight to signal their dog, you can train a dog to see you by turning the flashlight on and off.

Continue this until the dog turns to see where the light is coming from, as soon as the dog looks at you, reward him immediately, the dog will soon learn that a glimmer of light implies that he needs to take a gander at you.

Use a vibrating collar

Electronic collars differ from those that give shocks to aid in training (which you want to avoid because they provide negative reinforcement to the dog). These simply vibrate painlessly when you press a button on the remote control.

You can train a dog to look at you by pressing the button to make the dog's collar vibrate, and hold it until your dog looks at you. When the dog directs its concentration toward you, stop the vibrations.

One of the benefits of using an electronic vibrating collar is that you can use it in almost any situation.

It is another effective option to facilitate education and communication with deaf dogs, but it is also a cost-effective solution.

On the market we will find many options: necklaces that emit only vibration and necklaces that, in addition to vibration, lead to electric shocks.

They are also known as "educational collars", as they are generally used to prevent a dog from barking.

However, it should be borne in mind that the use of electric shocks is neither sufficient nor effective to teach a deaf dog, as it relies on punishing the dog each time it barks or practices a behavior deemed inappropriate.

In addition to causing the dog an uncomfortable and painful sensation, these tools are counterproductive, as the dog is negatively associated with learning.

Vibration collars or instructional collars in the correct position do not emit electrical currents, but rather vibrating waves that arouse the dog's attention without causing pain, fear, or other negative emotions.

Additionally, it is a safe and effective way to get attention for a deaf dog outside (while walking, for example), where strikes on the ground would not be very effective, especially at medium or large distances.

We should only use vibrations when we need to communicate with our dog. Releasing them without connecting anything and even using them excessively can cause a dog to stop paying attention, and it can also generate an image of stress in the dog.

hand signs

Many people train dogs using hand signals for basic obedience commands. There is a standard hand signal that most dog trainers use to teach each command, but you can also create your own hand signals.

Instead of just giving a spoken command, start by making sure your dog's attention is on you, and then give the hand signal.

Then you train the dog to do the command just as you would any other dog.

 Use of sign language

Most people communicate with their dogs for more than basic commands in sign language instead of using spoken words, you can communicate in a similar way with a deaf dog.

There is not yet a universally standardized sign language for training a deaf dog, but it is important before starting to train a deaf dog that we define a clear and unified sign for every matter we will teach to the deaf dog.

Remember, the goal of communication is always for both parties to understand each other and interact in a positive way.

Of course this requires you to learn the basic signs of ASL before starting to train with your dog to be safe and firm when used in training sessions.

Also, we will apply positive reinforcement to motivate the deaf dog, and reward him for every good attitude and achievement during his training



Reward good behavior

While many dogs prefer to receive verbal praise from their owners, this will clearly not work for deaf dogs.

Having a few small pieces of food on hand to give the deaf dog positive reinforcement when he is properly obeying. Nonverbal forms of praise also petting or ear scratching can be helpful as well.

Maintain a deaf dog on a leash

Some people like to walk off leash with their dogs, it is debatable whether or not this is a good idea in any situation, but it is never a good idea to allow your deaf dog off leash in open areas without fences.

Audit problems and behavior

Deaf dogs may be initially surprised by someone who touches them unexpectedly to get their attention, especially if they are touched while sleeping.

 This can lead the dog to snarling or fear of fear, and this is similar to a person screaming if another person sneaks at him and catches him

So we have to train to touch the dog very gently on the shoulder and back. Giving immediate after-touch reinforcement.

Try to do this frequently throughout the day, and within a short time your dog will learn that having someone touch him from behind means that good things are about to happen.

Take place while giving orders

A common mistake many new deaf dog owners make is not to speak up while they are giving nonverbal commands.

Just because a dog can't hear you doesn't mean you should remain silent; Often your body language can appear abnormal if you give the command silently.

To ensure that visual commands come naturally to you and are easily translated to your dog, go ahead and speak command words as you perform the action.

The red card

In football, the red card is used by the referee to indicate that play has stopped, and the player must follow a specific command given to him.

 You can use a similar system with your deaf dog to ask him to stop what he is doing and coming to you.

Carrying a colorful card or piece of bright clothing that the dog can clearly identify and use as a summons or command "stop it and come here" is one of the methods to follow, and the flash of a torch can be used as an alternative on dark days.

Is a deaf dog aggressive?

There is a legend that a lack of hearing makes a dog more aggressive. In fact, any dog if stimulated the wrong way will bite you.

 It is therefore more difficult for a deaf dog, so it is important to do exercises with him from an early age.

So your "red card" is supposed to be a color other than red, as dogs are usually thought to be color blind to reds and greens!


 Advice for training deaf dogs

  1. Learn to communicate with them.
  2. Always let them know when you are near.
  3. Always be nice to them
  4. Training using lots of praise and other positive reinforcements.
  5. Allow them to approach the newcomer first by smelling the person's palm or a closed fist.
  6. Provide a safe and necessary outer fencing for their safety.
  7. Work with them in a consistent and continuous training program.
  8. Love and accept them with their own needs.
  9. Tie them with you at home to help with initial adjustment and bonding, and to help them feel safe.
  10. Keep it on the handlebars and closer to you when walking.
  11. Nametags should include your dog's name and the word "deaf" in case it gets lost so as not to be misunderstood.

Treatment and prevention of deafness and hearing loss in dogs

There is no definitive cure for deafness in dogs. Injuries and injuries to the ear or brain may respond to anti-inflammatory drugs or antibiotics, but the damage caused may be irreversible.

Daily ear care can help prevent ear infections. Care of the ears is especially important in dogs with floppy ears, such as Basset Hounds and Cocker Spaniels.

If an ear infection occurs, immediate and comprehensive treatment is possible to prevent damage that can lead to deafness.

Meanwhile, deaf dogs can lead a normal life. If you have a deaf dog, there are several steps you can take that will aid in training and communication.


5  essential things in training a deaf dog

Ultimately if you have a deaf dog and want to train it, you will only need five things:

  • patience
  • perseverance
  • Respect
  • Affection
  • Rewards.


 Key words:

deaf dog    congenital deafness   Dalmatian dogs    Australian Shepherd     Catahoula Leopard    Whippet Hound    Jack Russell Terrier    Electronic collar    ASL

