all about puppy toilet train
do I know the needs of a puppy to the toilet?
toilet training Steps
toilet training tips
toilet training warnings
long to Puppy toilet training?
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puppy toilet training |
An exciting
experience to bring a new puppy to the home, but the new animal comes with
difficulties and challenges, and one of the first and biggest difficulties you
may face is toilet training.
Some puppies will learn this quickly while others will find it difficult for some time. Remember to always be patient and to remain calm and steady
during the training period, as toilet training may be
a very simple process if you stay positive.
How do I know the needs of a puppy to the toilet?
Usually the puppy needs the toilet much more frequently than the big dogs, they have small tanks, and they usually use the toilet after waking up from sleep
or after 10-20
minutes of eating, drinking, and playing, sometimes after returning from
outside, so the dog often does not know how to use The toilet while he's
outside if you don't know it.
You may only need to take the big dog outside every two hours, while the small puppy needs to take it every hour to avoid mistakes, and there are some early warning signs that you know that the dog needs to urinate or defecate
and that you find it spinning or inhaling the ground, it is easier to catch When your dog needs to use the toilet, but if you watch him closely.
Puppy toilet training Steps
1- Introduce your puppy to his new home and family. Your new pet may be as steeped in curiosity, excitement, fear, or fun as you are when you enter a new place or group, and now is the best time to lay the foundation for a good and happy relationship with your pet.
It is extremely important to establish and persist in your
expectations of the puppy in order for the puppy to settle down and learn to
trust and respect.
Show your puppy only the areas in which it is allowed to be present, and do not let your new pet wander around and explore by itself at the beginning
especially if you do not want him to relieve himself in those places. For example, close upstairs or bedrooms if they are restricted areas and do not allow your puppy to explore them.
2- Understand your puppy's needs and behaviors related to desire to mate. Research your dog's characteristics, specific needs, or any behavior you should be aware of and watch for.
Your dog's bladder will be very small and he will need to urinate
more if he is a "small Chihuahua" and will urinate a lot in the wrong
places even if he is well trained.
Most dogs are very intelligent, but they don't think like humans, and it will often be a problem when we expect them to understand simple words of commands or tell you that they need to urinate or defecate.
This is why you need to be determined to
understand how they communicate with you and study the signals they give and
receive from you.
3- Watch your puppy. It is ideal to keep your puppy in a place where you can monitor him at all times while toilet training.
You can do this by looking for the early signs of needing to go out and help prevent mistakes, including starting to spin, itching and sniffling.
Signs that you
should look out for are also: whining, smelling, barking, or any sudden
behavioral change. Get your dog outside immediately when you see any of these
4- Enter in cases of
defecation in the wrong place. Make a sudden noise like clapping and saying
"no". If you catch your puppy urinating or defecating inside the
house, then take the dog outside immediately.
You want to
surprise him and not scare him, so the goal here is to grab his attention
immediately and let him know that you dislike urination or defecation inside
the house, and you also want to be persistent on using the same word and / or
noise every time.
You may not get
the same result if your dog defecates because most puppies cannot stop it, but
you should still do the same as part of the learning process.
Never punish your dog for these mistakes. The dog does not know that he is doing the wrong thing,
so do not force your puppy to smell or keep reminding him of his actions
because he will not remember and he may become afraid of you in most cases.
It can confuse your dog and even make it worse when you use punishment to prevent him from defecating indoors. Your dog can understand that you are going crazy only when seeing him eliminate his need,
and he will hide from you when he needs it, and
this will often be in hard-to-reach places.
5- Designate the puppy toilet place and choose an easily accessible location.
6- Choose a specific
sound or word as a command. Use the word "come on" or choose another
command every time you take your puppy to the toilet, and this will teach him
to go to the toilet in that particular place.
The dog will
begin to recognize and understand what you want it to do, and it will also help
the dog know when and where to urinate or defecate.
Use this only
when you want him to go, to avoid confusion.
7- Praise his
successes. Always praise your puppy every time he uses the right spot, and use
a cheerful, happy voice letting him know that he has pleased you.
Your commitment
to this will give him an emotional incentive to go to the right place.
8- Make defecation time a soothing and rewarding occasion that the puppy will look forward to. Your puppy should enjoy this to encourage him to control himself and wait until you allow him to.
Getting out for a
walk and calming down should be a rewarding experience every dog can enjoy.
Do not interrupt
your dog if he is defecating where you want him to. Allow him to relax and calm
You can also
offer your dog a little food afterward to encourage him, but this may be a
distraction for some dogs.
9- Clean up what
I accidentally took out immediately. It is important to clean the area
thoroughly when your dog is defecating indoors. This will prevent your dog from
defecating again in the same place.
Use an enzyme
cleaner, not an ammonia cleaner, to help eliminate odor and your dog's
attraction to the area.
Urine has a
strong ammonia smell that attracts a dog to smell and urinate on it. Some
training pads are sprayed with ammonia to encourage the dog to relieve himself
for the last reason.
You can also use
white vinegar to neutralize the smell of ammonia.
Puppy toilet training tips
There may not be a well-known regimen early in the toilet training process and this is especially true with very young puppies. You may catch them a lot at this stage in the midst of defecating in the wrong place,
but you have to be consistent in
your behavior in these situations, whether the puppy is urinating or defecating.
You can use toiletry pads to give the puppy a place to relieve himself. It is usually smelled with the aim of attracting the dog to urinate on it,
and this can be helpful in training to eliminate the need and may seem necessary depending on the situation,
but it may cause some problems that may prolong the training
period and make it more difficult. Using pads can overwhelm the puppy.
Suppose you constantly praise your puppy for his actions during toilet training, then say your dog did it in the wrong place.
Don't praise your dog right away, take him and wait for him to go to the bathroom instead. Take it when it's finished and keep it in a separate room while you're cleaning up the litter.
Then you have
to be disappointed with the dog afterward, but only for a few minutes. Keep
your dog and yourself enthusiastic for toilet training.
Puppy toilet training warnings
There are many medical problems that can interfere with toilet training, as dogs with urethritis urinate often and in small quantities and will not have much control, and you may notice excessive licking of the genital area.
There could be a digestive problem if you notice a change in the consistency of the stool. Some of the common problems that puppies have are worms, eating something not in their normal diet, or sudden food changes.
Change food gradually over the
course of 5 to 7 days if necessary. You should consult your veterinarian if you
suspect any of these problems.
How long to Puppy toilet training?
there is no fixed and specific time that we can say that the puppy will learn
to eliminate the need in the right place. You should know that it won't happen
overnight, it might take a few days or a few weeks.
It depends on many factors. Puppy age, for example, is a determining factor in learning speed. A puppy at the age of 6 weeks, for example, will not be able to learn as quickly as a puppy at the age of 10 weeks.
Because a puppy at a young age will
not be able to properly control the output muscles because it is still at the
beginning of his life.
It also depends
on your personal diligence and your ability to organize mealtime for the dog,
as well as your ability to monitor the dog and its behavior and know when it
needs to urinate and defecate.
You should also not trust your dog if he controls his muscles after a short period because the dog always needs to repeat and focus on training continuously, especially at the beginning of his life.
You can make sure that the dog learns where to go to the toilet if 4 weeks have passed without any urination or defecate in the wrong place,
but of course this is not a general rule and you will always need to continue monitoring the dog in different situations until a few months have passed.
Always remember that small puppies are like small children, a small child needs years to learn to control the muscles of excretion, urination and defecation in the right place,
so you must deal with your dog in the right way and not rush the results.
Follow the instructions that we have mentioned and over time you will be able to train small dogs to urinate and defecate in the right place.
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