how to train a dog and cat to get along?


 How do you get a dog and a cat to get along

Are you thinking of getting a dog but are afraid your cat won't like it? Do you have a cat and a dog but the two won't stop fighting?

We do not agree with the idea that cats and dogs naturally hate each other. In many cases, we find the two species enjoying each other's company and sometimes even embracing together.

Dogs and cats speak different languages, and they need us to help them understand each other.

How do you get a dog and a cat to get along

Undoubtedly, there are ways to help them adjust to living with each other. By taking your time and understanding what each of your pet's needs, you can create a happy, calm home with both a dog and a cat.


Here are nine things you can do to train a dog and cat to get along:


Prepare your home

Create a safe space for your cat by placing a baby gate on the door of his favorite room. Put your cat's litter box in that room and feed your cat somewhere out of the dog's reach. Try to provide some pieces of furniture for your cat, which, through its height from the ground, can see the dog.

Keep in mind the age of each animal

A puppy may be the best choice for a cat house. The size difference is less noticeable than that of an adult dog, and a puppy will quickly learn a cat's boundaries and limits.


Get to know the dog's personality

If you adopt your dog from a shelter and we highly suggest you do, make sure as much as possible that the dog is familiar with the cats and will interact with them safely.


Get to know your cat's personality too

If your cat has been socialized to understand and live with dogs, you will be more likely to succeed as a 'dual animal' house.


Keep in mind that some dog breeds do better than others

When a cat feels threatened, its natural instinct is to flee, and if a dog's natural instinct is to chase, the results can be disastrous. Some breeds are more likely to hunt you than others, for example hounds.


Exercise the dog before introducing it to your cat

Take the dog for a nice long walk or engage it in an active game of hunt and retrieve before bringing it home. If your dog has exhausted all of his extra energy, it is best not to frighten your cat with an enthusiastic greeting.


Keep the dog on a leash when you meet the cat

It is necessary to restrain the dog when you introduce it to the cat. Interspecies meetings can be tense due to differences in body language. Tail wagging can mean 'nice to meet you, let's play' in dog language, but the same 'wagging' tail means something completely different from a cat. Dog playing gestures can also be frightening to a cat.


Training your dog

As soon as possible, teach the dog to immediately respond to safety commands such as 'come', 'sit', 'stay' and 'drop it'. Of course, the more training you give your dog, the better it will be for you and your cat.


Watch out for signs of discord

If your cat is always hiding when you're home or if your dog becomes aggressive with your cat or with other people and pets, get help from a dog trainer or behavior expert.



Key words:

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